Wednesday, April 21, 2010

General Side Effects Of Laser Trabeculoplasty

When a doctor usually recommends having laser trabeculoplasty this is typically due to a diagnosis of glaucoma in the optic nerve of the eye which is caused by intraocular pressure present. Depending on the stage of this pressure, doctor may recommend a few therapeutic treatments before suggesting laser trabeculoplasty. However, if this becomes one of your options, there are a few general side effects of laser trabeculoplasty that you need to be aware of when contemplating this surgical procedure.

Before we can discuss the side effects of this surgery, perhaps we should go over just what it entails. When the doctor makes a recommendation as such this will usually mean that other remedies have been ruled out. Thereby this form of laser treatment is used to lower the intraocular pressure, which occurs inside the eyeball, which causes glaucoma.

Initially, when diagnosed with glaucoma, most patients or doctors will opt to start with the daily eye drops as a form of therapy. However, laser trabeculoplasty can also be used as a form of the primary treatment for patients who may have an adverse reaction to the eye drop medication.

This option either will come up if the patient has already attempted to administer the eye drops according to the prescription or if the patient knows beforehand the potential side effect of the eye drop medication and chooses to bypass opting for the surgery instead.

Once the decision has been made to proceed with laser surgery, there are minimal after care effects to be aware of such as blurred vision that can last from an hour to the next day. The patient will have to also understand that even though they may opt for the laser surgery, the surgery is not permanent and quite possibly will eventually need to some type of medication.

If choosing to go with laser trabeculoplasty, it is considered to be a safer option versus using medications along since there are no noted systemic side effects as in just using eye drop medicine.

How Long To Wear Goggles After Intralase

You have completed your research on intralase surgery, scheduled the appointment and now need information on what to expect once it is all said and done. You may be aware of the limitations that are to take place immediately following surgery as well you have heard of the need to wear goggles. Now your question is how long to wear goggles after intralase.

You may also ask why there is a need for goggles at all for this procedure. Though intralase surgery can be done in one day, in and out of the doctors office, this procedure is dealing with one of the most delicate body parts. Your eyes are intricate and must be handled with extreme care.

If you have decided to have intralase surgery then you are aware that this is fast becoming one of the most popular procedures and are aware that the surgery is done bladeless. There is no need for the use of a surgical instrument instead the cornea is cut using a laser.

Many patients as well as doctors are choosing intralase because of the convenience, better technology correction of vision and the increased safety factor. This may be the exact reason you have chosen it.

Keeping the benefits in mind, there will be a few restrictions that must be followed in order to help your eye heal rapidly. Which takes us to our initial question of how long to wear goggles after intralase surgery. In general, goggles will have to be worn immediately following the surgery for up to approximately a month or so.

This is absolutely necessary, especially during any type of contact sport, while sleeping or taking a shower. The purpose is to ensure that there is no contact or pressure to the eye until it is fully healed. The entire length of wearing the goggles will ultimately be determine during your follow up visits with you surgeon.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Laser Eye Correction Reviews

Being prepared for lasik surgery requires knowing the laser eye correction reviews prior to going for a consultation. If you are prepared before the appointment you will be more aware of the questions to ask regarding the actual procedure.

Do online research and completely read any comments posted regarding the facility you are considering for the surgery. Also important is having questions prepared regarding the tests that are required before the actual surgery.

The procedure will take a short amount of time, but it is important to ask any questions about the actual procedure, how long it will take and how long recovery will be. There are going to be both positive and negative opinions regarding the surgery, but the majority of individuals who have completed the process have excellent reviews.

The idea of being able to throw away glasses and contacts and have perfect vision is all it takes for many to not second guess the surgery; however, it is surgery and needs to be addressed as such. Most report the surgical process as being less drastic than expected.

The surgeon will talk to the individual throughout and explain each step as it is being completed. The only complaint many have is the amount of recovery time may be slightly longer than expected. The eyes heal as expected it is the individual who feels slight worry over rushing the process.

The majority of laser eye correction reviews are favorable. Reading all information is highly recommended and that the individual considering the surgery do a background search on the facility to determine if they have any complaints and if they are valid complaints. Your vision is important so do not chance saving a few dollars on surgery by going to an unrecognizable surgeon with bad reviews. Follow through with all referrals for recovery and ask questions during the initial consultation.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Wrinkles In Eyes After Lasik Surgery

Wrinkles in eyes after Lasik surgery are a common side effect that develops after performing LASIK surgery. The reason why the eyes might develop wrinkles after LASIK surgery is because the surgeon may have wrongly manipulated the flaps and in addition, the condition can also arise because of internal stress to the flap. In fact, the problem may even arise because of trauma to the flap as well as because the flap has become unstable.

In case of severe wrinkles in eyes after Lasik surgery, the patient may start to suffer from ghosting and their overall vision will also become poor. In most cases, these wrinkles form because of needing to correct myopia (near sightedness) but it can also occur on account of correcting problems such as farsightedness.

There are two different kinds of wrinkles that might form after LASIK surgery and these are known as macrostriae and microstriae. The former take the form of large sized folds in the LASIK flap and to get rid of them requires some form of further treatment. The latter kind is also known as Bowmans Crinkles and is usually caused due to internal stress in the flap. This kind of wrinkling will generally heal on its own and so does not require any treatment to remove the wrinkles.

In case treatment is required to remove the wrinkles, then the solution is to either smoothen the flaps or to lift the flaps and reposition them. On the other hand, if you wish to minimize the risk of developing wrinkles in eyes after Lasik surgery, then you should carefully follow your surgeons advice regarding what to do after the surgery has been completed.

This in turn requires that you protect the eyes and also keep them moist with the help of artificial tears that do not contain any artificial preservatives. Be sure that you completely abstain from rubbing the eyes and you should also avoid blinking your eyes too frequently as these will exacerbate the condition.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lasik Eye Surgery Risks - Is It Worth It?

When you are considering any sort of eye surgery you should know the risks that are involved with the procedure. The same is true for Lasik eye surgery risks. The procedure if effective and can benefit you but you should know what the risks are when it comes to corrective eye surgery.

With the advancement in technology the risks of Lasik eye surgery are significantly low. They have gone from a average of five percent to about one percent in the past fifteen years. However, the risks as low as they are should be acknowledged.

Many of these complications are short term and occur directly after surgery. The complications are not permanent to your eyes and will diminish after several days. The most is flap issues during the Lasik surgery. This occurs when the flap of the cornea will not detach as it should. The advancement of procedures and the order in which the flap is removed is significant in this issue.

Diffuse Lamellar Keratitis (DLK) is another complication reported by those who have had complication with this type of surgery. It is also called the sands of the Sahara effect. This occurs when dead cells get trapped under the corneal flap and the body reacts telling it the cells are harmful creating an inflammatory response. This needs to be adjusted immediately to avoid permanent vision loss.

Another complication is called Keratectasia. This happens if the doctor cuts the cornea too deep. It can cause permanent vision loss and is not correctable. Ensure the reputation and history of the doctor you are visiting to ensure they have not this issue in the past.

Other complications can include night vision loss or dry eye. You are best to research the doctor you are visiting. Knowing Lasik eye surgery risks should not scare you away from this very safe procedure but you should know the possibilities so you are fully informed.

Vitamin C After Lasik Surgery

Lasik is a very common procedure done nowadays to correct a person's eyesight. In most cases, people who have this procedure done have nearly perfect vision as a result. The procedure itself is pretty quick, but recovery can take a few days. Taking vitamin C after Lasik can provide much help with the recovery process.

Everyone knows how good this vitamin is for you. We all try to get some in our bodies when we do not feel well. It is known to have many benefits aside from just boosting the immune system. It is best when consumed through foods. You can find this vitamin naturally in oranges, grapefruits, tomatoes, broccoli, and potatoes. You could also consume this needed nutrient by taking a supplement.

How does vitamin C help aid the recovery process after Lasik? You should start increasing the amount you consume a week prior to your surgery and continue to take it for up to two weeks after. This should help reduce any hazing that may occur.

After this procedure your eyes should not be exposed to direct sunlight. You have to wear protective glasses when you do go out in the daylight. So for those people who are unable to avoid going out during the day, this vitamin will also help to protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. There are other things that you should do when recovering from this procedure as well.

Make sure to wear the sunglasses that they provide no matter how stupid you feel in them. Do not rub your eyes at all for several days after. Your doctor will give you goggles to help prevent you from touching your eyes. Make sure to wear them especially when sleeping. You should follow any post operative instructions that your doctor gives you. All of these things along with the benefits of taking vitamin C can make a difference in the success of your impaired vision

How Long Does Lasik Last?

When you are considering any sort of Lasik surgery you may be wondering how long does Lasik last? This is a good question to ask. You are not only talking about additional surgery in the future but you want to know if going through the surgery will result in vision loss anyway.

When Lasik technology first came on the market the patients know that is was a high probability that in the future they would most likely have to have it done again. This of course depended on their eyes and the cornea of their eyes. But they knew it would be effective several years down the road.

However this is not as stated in today's technologies. They have advanced greatly and many people who have Lasik surgery do not ever need it again. There are however is not a guarantee that this will be the case with every patient.

If you have a complication in your surgery this is a different story. Should you develop astigmatism you will possibly need another surgery to correct the issue. Many times a doctor cannot predict if this will occur and more surgery is the answer should this complication arise.

These findings are given due to the study of patients who have had Lasik surgery over a ten year period. Doctors and researchers have reported these findings across the country regarding their patients to give these statistics. As with any surgery there may be complications. But this ratio is low in comparison to the effectiveness of the procedure.

As with any other effective surgery, having a great doctor who has a great reputation is the key to its success. Research your doctor's background of performance to make the most reasonable choice in who you choose to perform the surgery. You can find other valuable information online and perhaps even read client testimonials.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

When Can I Touch My Eyes After Lasik Surgery?

When can i touch my eyes after lasik surgery? The doctor will provide a list of rules or guidelines to follow once you have had surgery. One of those guidelines is the appropriate time that your eyes should be touched. In fact, a list of do and don'ts will be given to you before and after surgery. The list needs to be followed exactly as it states.

Following those rules will result in the best outcome for your eyes. It will also mean not having to have the surgery again or doing damage to your eyes permanently. Healing can take a couple of days to a week. The surgeon will advise you not to touch the eyes no matter what happens. They will give you drops to place in your eyes while they are healing. This will be the only thing that should be placed in them.

Most surgeons' offer covers to place over the eyes at night to protect them as you sleep. Touching them can cause infection, or damage to the area they worked on. This will slow the healing process or cause you to have to have surgery again. Putting make up on is forbidden until everything has healed properly.

The best way to determine when to touch your eye is to visit the doctor for your follow up visits. The doctor will know when it is safe to touch the eyes. In most cases, you should be back to normal activities within a week to ten days. If the guidelines are followed, the surgery will work and your vision will better.

While the guidelines may be difficult to follow in the beginning, it will be easier as time passes. Just remember that adhering to the instructions will result in the surgery working and your sight being better.

Amoxicillin Antibiotics For Eyes And Infections

If you develop an infection in your eye or your eyes, you may be prescribed amoxicillin antibiotics for eyes. This is very helpful by killing sensitive bacteria. It actually treats infections caused by certain bacteria. For most people, it works great and also works very fast. However, not everyone is able to use them.

If you have any allergies to amoxicillin or any other penicillin antibiotic then you should stay clear of using amoxicillin antibiotics for eyes. It is also suggested that if you have received or will be receiving live oral typhoid vaccine you should not use these drops. Those with mononucleosis should also steer clear.

Before you begin using amoxicillin drops you should make sure that you tell your doctor all of your medical history. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, have allergies or have kidney issues. Also, be sure your doctor and your pharmacist so that they can be sure that these drops will not interact with any of your other medication that you are taking presently.

For most people, amoxicillin antibiotics for eyes really can help a lot. It can help the eye infection heal quicker than without it. It can also keep an infection away that keeps coming back. For many, this can really be a huge relief. It can save many from a lot of pain.

You should ask your health care provider if amoxicillin drops are right for you or your loved one that currently has an eye infection. If you do not have health insurance than be sure that you research to find the lowest price possible. With the rising costs of health care it can really make a difference if you can get the medication for less money. The internet can really be a great place to look for deals on any eye medication.

Lasik Eye Surgery Cost - How Much Is It?

How much does lasik eye surgery cost is usually one of the first questions asked? This type of surgery is generally done on an outpatient procedure. Lasik has become the most common type of refractive surgery. It changes the shape of the cornea to fix the eye problem. After surgery and the recovery time the problem is usually fixed, with no other procedures needed.

If you have one of these vision problems, nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, or Presbyopia then surgery is an option that you can seek. If the surgery goes well then you can stop wearing glasses or contact lenses. There is a recovery period of about a week. During this time you will need to follow the instructions for care for our eyes.

The cost will differ from one provider to another and depends on many factors. The average cost is about 2,000 per eye. However, this can go up if other technologies are preformed. Be careful for ads that promise to do each eye for several hundred dollars. In most cases, only a few people qualify for the lower price.

Average costs have not risen in several years. Depending on the eye problem, some insurance companies will pay for all or part of the surgery. As technology as grown the procedure will likely cost more but for now a person can have the surgery at a reasonable price.

A new technology called wavefront is more expensive than the regular Lasik surgery. While some surgeons do not charge a separate price for new technologies there are those that do require a different price. It is best to find out up front what the charge is and if any is covered by your insurance company.

You can get an estimate explain what will be done and how much it will cost. They will also provide you with all the information that is needed.

What Causes Halos Lasik

Lasik is a corrective eye surgery procedure performed by ophthalmologists. The surgery fixes the defective condition of the eyes so that the patient will no longer need to see with the assistance of glasses or contacts. There are some potential side effects to lasik surgery. A halos effect is a side effect that occurs when people see a light surrounding an object. What causes halos lasik is a question many people who are considering lasik surgery may ask.

During lasik surgery, the ophthalmologist corrects any irregularities in the cornea that exist on the eyes. Some patients may experience severe dry eye after surgery. This means the eyes are not able to produce the moisture it needs. This can cause the eyes to feel irritated and it can impair a person's vision. Dry eyes can also cause the halos effect and obstruct a person's vision in other ways. Dry eyes tend to heal over time, but a person can use artificial tears or prescription tears until the condition is healed.

Sometimes the eyes are not able to properly focus on light right after surgery. This leads to the appearance of a halo around objects. The halos effect is common after lasik surgery and normally corrects itself within a few months. The halo appearance around things can occur during daylight, but it can really become exacerbated at night when the eyes are trying to absorb more light to see things clearly.

Inflammation or the accumulation of fluid around the eyes can lead to halos. Even though patients are given antibiotics before surgery to reduce the chance of contracting an infection, it still may occur. The ophthalmologist also assesses the extent of corneal tissue that needs to be removed before the operation, but if a defective portion of the eye was not properly corrected during the surgery, this can also lead to halos.

If what causes halos lasik persists, the patient should consult the ophthalmologist. The ophthalmologist can recommend different treatment options. The cause of the halo will determine if further surgery will be needed to correct the problem. Any person considering lasik should thoroughly review all of the side effects and complications that may accompany the surgery prior to proceeding with the procedure.

Time For Eyes To Heal Intralase Surgery?

By now most people are familiar with the term 'laser eye surgery' and this procedure has been undertaken by millions worldwide over the past three decades. Since being patented in 1989, LASIK laser eye surgery has become very popular in many countries (even before it became approved by the FDA for use in the U. S.). But now there's something newer and better -- Intralasik (or Intralase) surgery. One big plus is the shorter amount of time for eyes to heal intralase treatment.

In LASIK the eye's cornea is cut by a metal blade in order to form a hinged flap. The flap is then folded over to allow access to the area underneath. An excimer laser is then employed to remove certain portions of specific tissue which will, in effect, reshape the cornea. Lastly, the flap is replaced to its original position where it will shortly rebond with the eye surface and act as a natural bandage in the meantime.

This is an awesome procedure. This 'operation' enables people who have worn glasses nearly all their lives to throw them away. Corrective lenses become unnecessary to most who undergo this process.

Intralase is almost identical to LASIK, with one important distinction. Intralase is 'blade-less' laser eye surgery. The cornea is still reshaped with the use of the excimer laser but, instead of a metal blade, a femtosecond laser is used for the initial cut that creates the flap.

Most complications arising from LASIK are associated with the blade. Mechanical blades can create uneven edges, which can cause future vision problems. Which do you think your eyes prefer... A person mechanically cutting with a metal blade or a computer programed laser light capable of perfect, minute, and precise incisions?

The normal time for eyes to heal intralase surgery depends on the person, but it's always shorter than the time to heal from the more traditional options like LASIK. You'll heal faster and the recovery time will be shorter. And, if you're like 95%+ of the people who have the treatment, you'll end up seeing 20/20

Suction Eye Ring Intralase - Some Definite Advantages

Most anyone who has undergone the process of laser eye surgery, commonly referred to these days as LASIK, will be glad to talk about how great it is. Elderly people, for example, who find it necessary to have an operation for the removal of cataracts walk away from the procedure being able to see clearly for the first time in a long time... Without the need to use their old glasses. It's amazing. The use of suction eye ring intralase, a fairly new process, makes the treatment even easier than ever.

Typical LASIK, which has been around for decades, is a procedure to reshape the corneal surface of the eye. This enables the cornea to more precisely focus light images onto the retina, giving significantly clearer vision. Intralase accomplishes the same result, but in a safer, more precise and accurate fashion.

In LASIK, a hinged flap is cut into the surface of one's cornea by means of a small metal blade, after which a laser is used in the area exposed by the flap. Afterwards, the flap is replaced and acts as a sort of natural bandage.

Intralase, also known as bladeless LASIK or all-laser LASIK uses no blade to cut the cornea, using, instead, a laser to accomplish this step in the procedure. A laser cut is much more precise than a blade cut, which is one of the main advantages to this new technology. It also makes for faster healing, quicker recovery time and fewer complications.

During suction eye ring Intralase procedures, a low-intensity vacuum ring is used to hold the eye in place while the lasers are working on it. This makes for precise cutting and accurate shaping. Most who undergo this treatment end up having 20/20 vision and can basically throw their old corrective lenses away. It explains why laser eye surgeries have become one of the most popular elective medical operations.